The mailing list is being updated, existing subscribers have been migrated. New subscriptions will be available shortly. Please contact if you need to contact the list administrator.
Subscriptions will open to other shortly.
How do I join?
- Just go to this page and follow the instructions. You can choose the regular AusRace list and/or the AusRace Tips list if you just wish to receive racing tips.
- When you join an AusRace list you are encouraged to introduce yourself and tell us a bit more about yourself and your interest in racing.
How to post to the list:
- Depending on which list you join you simply email to the address of the list and your message is sent to all the list-members.
- Unlike the usual ‘mailing lists’ your are probably familar with the AusRace lists are two way. It’s not a forum for vendors to send you mail but a means for you to contribute your own thoughts to a collection of fellow enthusiasts.
- To reduce problems of unsolicited email you must be a member of the list to post to the list.
- This means the email address on the ‘From’ line on your posts must match the email address that you used to join the list.
Are there any rules?
- There are no formal rules but we aim for best practice ‘net etiquette’. That is considerate and responsible behavior between members on the list.
- No commercial activity on the list. By all means introduce yourself and what you do if you are a commercial service provider but please no soliciting, advertising or any other commercial activities on the list. The list members themselves get very angry if they are ‘spammed’.
- Postings from the list can make suitable material for newspaper articles, radio interviews, club newsletters etc and a number of racing journalists and media people are on the list looking for such material. This practice is encouraged and helps advertise the utility of the net.
- However, don’t assume that you have the author’s permission to use their material. Usual copyright laws will apply to any contributions made by authors. If you want to use anything from the AusRace list first get the author’s permission and offer to send them a copy of the issue in which their article appears.
How do I get off the list ?
- Go here and select the list you wish to leave. Also there will be a link to your login page at the bottom of every email you receive. You can use this to unsubscribe yourself.